Marilyn Manson Releases Slo-Mo-Tion

Marilyn Manson just release his latest video Slo-Mo-Tion off Born Villain, and although it’s certainly no Floria Sigismondi, it does manage to be stylish and convey a certain debaucherous and empty mood. The video as a whole really reminds me of parties I don’t go to anymore, I mean there is only so many times you can put your dick in the mashed potatoes, metaphorically, if you know what I mean. But, I do recognize that it’s got to be awfully hard to be Marilyn Manson these days. The teens have long since been disposed of and the ‘Spooky Kid’ rebel underground seems to have been all but crushed under the scoffing new modern hipsterism. It’s so much easier to dress for shit and just be so over everything. So, in a sense, I agree with the thesis, that no matter how wacky and out of control the party is, you still end up on the water tower, or rooftop a few blocks south of my place in this case, angry at humanity. I kind of feel like this rebel desperately needs a new cause and I sincerely hope he finds it. Than again, maybe I’m just projecting.


Posted by on August 21, 2012. Filed under Headline, Music, Video. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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