Troma Spurs Occupy Cannes Movement

Troma kingpin Lloyd Kaufman has been a big influence on me. See his Toxic Avenger stuff in college probably quite literally changed my life. I am going to keep this brief, as I am totally running late right now to get to The Big Photo Show. Ironically, I got a late start today because I was shooting until the middle of the night yesterday, but I digress.

It is really challenging to be a successful independent producer of any sort of creative media. If you are really teeny and obviously no threat, it is easier to get hooked up for press and other sorts of support from big media. However, once you hit medium size, it gets much much much harder. If you’d like to get a sense of how much harder, read Lloyd Kaufman’s book All I Need To Know About FILMMAKING I Learned From THE TOXIC AVENGER: The Shocking True Story of Troma Studios.

To protest the stranglehold that six huge media conglomerates hold on the film industry, Troma is leading the charge on some guerrilla theatre (and punk rock making-a-scene-in-public) at this year’s Cannes Film Festival. If you won’t personally be getting yourself in trouble on camera in France this month, you can watch the festivities/activism at the Occupy Cannes Tumblr.


Posted by on May 5, 2013. Filed under Art, Happenings, Headline, Personalities. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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