It has been a really really really good news week.
First of all, the military’s Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy, or DADT, was repealed. For those of you who have been living in a cave, because you hate our way of life, DADT was a Clinton-era piece of legislation. DADT was designed to make it comfortable for everyone for homosexuals to serve in the military. The idea was basically that there would be no discrimination, but there would also be no pride parades or other flaunting of sexuality to disturb the sensibilities of the apparently sensitive US troops.
Alexander the Great had sex with both men and women and he managed to conquer Afghanistan. But I digress.
At any rate, the DADT policy tended to be enforced as, if a man or woman didn’t manage to serve in a 100% closeted way, like if anyone could figure out their sexual orientation and it wasn’t 100% straight, then gays and lesbians would get the boot. So it is good news that DADT has been repealed. Ya know, because it was poorly conceived, useless, and immoral. Just that. Otherwise, it was awesome.
I do wish that the coverage of the repeal was less partisan. You can see the precise breakdown, of who voted which way and who blew off voting on DADT entirely, on the Senate web site. More Democrat Senators than Republicans, as you can see, voted to repeal DADT, but I think the coverage talking about the handful of Republicans who “crossed the aisle” on this one is disingenuous. The whole issue came to a head because the Log Cabin Republicans won a landmark lawsuit against Don’t Ask Don’t Tell in California. A legal ruling opposed by our Democratic administration, ostensibly because they preferred to go the legislative route. I guess so Democrats could take credit for repealing a loathsome homophobic policy passed during a Democrat administration. But, at the end of the day, fewer elected Republican representatives of the people voted against DADT.
I suppose, if the politicians are jockeying for position, on who gets to take credit for doing the right thing . . . well, we should have problems like that all the time. A good news week.