Forrest Black’s LiveJournal friend GloomCookie has the best streaming cam on the web. It features 24/7 live streaming video of six Shiba Inu puppies. This is what the internet was invented for. At least, this is what the internet should have been invented for. Right now, while I’m watching, someone (presumably GloomCookie) is playing with the puppies and they are all trying to get into her lap at the same time. It’s pretty much the most pleasant and adorable thing I’ve come across all day. Not that I’ve had a total cakewalk of a day, but still. These cute little doggies even have adorable cute plush toys.
There are three female pups named Autumn, Ayumi, and Amaya. There are three boys named Aki, Akoni, and Ando. I don’t know if Ando is a common A alliterative name for Shiba Inu dogs or if GloomCookie is a big Heroes fan.
I got all my writing done for today and I got all the necessary photography formatted and posted to and wherever else it was due. Most importantly, I got to watch puppies! Now I feel refreshed and ready for a fabulous weekend night.